This session was held on June 20 2023, during the 33rd Regional ISBT Congress that was held in Gothenburg, Sweden, from June 17-21.


The Lab Grown Blood: Future or Fantasy? session included the following presentations:

1. Ashley Toye: RESTORE trial a clinical assessment of laboratory grown red blood cells produced from stem cells
2. Koji Eto: Ex vivo platelet production system
3. Marieke von Lindern: Large scale production of cultured red blood cells for transfusion purposes

MODERATORS: Erica Wood, Jason Acker

After the presentation, there was a questions and answers session, which is also included in the recording.


Ex vivo platelet production system: Future perspective from first-in-human study by IPSC-PLTS

K Eto1,2

1Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University, Kyoto, 2Regenerative Medicine, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba, Japan

Platelet products are provided from blood banks which collect blood from healthy donors. However, approximately 5% of platelet transfusion patients are complicated with alloimmune platelet transfusion refractoriness (allo-PTR) due to alloantibodies against class I human leukocyte antigens (HLA-I) or human platelet antigens (HPA). But for patients with rare HLA-I or HPA, donors are difficult to find. Aiming to ultimately solve this issue, we had developed ex vivo production system of iPS cell-derived platelet products (iPSC-PLTs), which were based on our technologies, megakaryocyte cell lines (imMKCLs) from patient iPSCs (Cell Stem Cell, 2014; Blood Advances, 2022), turbulent flow bioreactor (Cell, 2018) and new drugs (Blood Advances, 2017; Stem Cells Trans Med, 2017). The iPLAT1 study was conducted from 2019 to 2020 as the first-in-human clinical trial of iPSC-PLTs (Blood, 2022). The subject was a patient with aplastic anaemia complicated by anti-HPA-1a antibody-induced allo-PTR and had no matched HPA-1b/1b donor in Japan. Three dose cohort studies, as a dose-escalation fashion, allowed us to consider possible problems with the post-transfusion measurement method and the circulation capacity of the iPSC-PLTs. I would like to discuss scientific points towards further improvement of ex vivo manufacturing of iPSC-PLTs in my talk.

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