Good blood collection practices minimize reactions to donation based on eligibility criteria (to prevent donors with underlying conditions from donating) and phlebotomy practices. At the same time, the recipient is protected from receiving blood from potentially infected donors or blood that is collected in such a way that it can be contaminated during collection and subsequent processing.  

Donor consent

Informed consent is a pillar of best practice for any medical intervention, including for blood donation. Informed consent is a dynamic event involving more than a signature on a form, and includes ensuring that the subject (in this case, the blood donor) understands the purpose, risks, and benefits of, and alternatives to, a given procedure. Information related to a procedure can be provided in any number of ways, including through printed materials, discussions and audio-visual media. Documents provided include consent forms that can serve as templates and model informational materials.  


Donor information materials

After blood donation, blood donors should contact the blood establishment if they develop symptoms of concern (for example, a fever, sore throat or other features may suggest an infection) or experience a post-donation reaction. Included here are example materials for blood establishments to inform donors of when and how to contact them, should one of these events occur.  

Donor Consents

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Donor Facing Materials

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