Aim of the webinar: 

The webinar speakers will discuss the definitions and frequencies of weak or discrepant RhD phenotypes and the serological and genetic mechanisms for how they arise. The speakers will describe when to perform RHD genotyping in patients to resolve phenotyping problems; how RHD molecular results in these cases vary by race, ethnicity and world regions; and how to apply genotyping to RhD management of obstetrical patients and transfusion recipients.

Level of education required:  

Intermediate (practical application)

What prior knowledge is required?

No prior knowledge is required for this webinar 

Target audience

Blood centre and transfusion practitioners, nurses, and clinicians whose patients may require massive

The Speakers

Glenn Ramsey

Glenn Ramsey

Department of Pathology , Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA

Sandra Nance

Sandra Nance

Former Chair of the Working Party on Rare Donors 2004-2014, Former Senior Director, National Laboratories and Editor Immunohematology Journal, American Red Cross, and Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, USA